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Important info ...


All are welcome and we are so glad you have joined us.
We know that the Father has great plans for our gathering.

We are exactly where God wants us to be this year, and though it may feel strange to be back in person our week together is will be graced.

What is the Chapter of Mats?

The Maltfriscan community follows the tradition of St Francis of Assisi who gathered every year with his brothers to praise God and maintain the good order of the Franciscan community. This was called the chapter of mats because each brother brought only a mat to sleep on.

After the creation of the Maltfriscan Rule in the late 70s Maltfriscans have gathered annually to praise God, love one another, and spread the Good News. This has been called the Maltfriscan Chapter of Mats and is the Supreme Council of the community which reflects and discerns God's will for the Maltfriscans.


For all safeguarding information please click here.

Zoom & YouTube

Though we are together this year some sessions may be streamed or recorded on ZOOM & YouTube. All necessary links can be found on the programme pages.
All Zoom calls will be recorded and held for the duration of Chapter of Mats and for 1 year afterwards for the purpose of safeguarding.

As stated on the programme some ZOOM calls will be uploaded to YouTube as a private link after the session. These are clearly marked and facilitators will ensure that all participants are aware at the beginning of the call. All participants have the facility to blank their screen and turn their camera off so as to not be identifiable in the recording.

Check out our YouTube channel for helpful videos on how to get started on ZOOM.

Magnus es domine et laudabilis valde!

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